But we cannot say exactly how many hours we should sleep every day. But this question worries all of us. This question doesn't have a clear-cut answer. However, doctors say that how long one needs to sleep depends on several factors. One of them is age. Know about how much sleep should be according to age-
0 to 3 months:
Newborns need 14 to 17 hours of sleep. Their brains develop during sleep.
4 to 11 months:
After the age of four months, the amount of sleep in babies decreases a little. Then they wake up and play. Or trying to identify relatives. But children of this age need 12 to 15 hours of sleep.
1 to 2 years:
Children of this age tend to sleep less during the day. Sleeps mainly at night. Not unless you sleep 11 to 14 hours a day.
3 to 5 years:
Children get less sleep when they enter school. He has trouble getting up in the morning. After all this, 10 to 13 hours of sleep is essential. 2-3 hours a day, the rest should be made up at night.
6 to 13 years:
At this age, the pressure of studying gradually increases. Also learning to dance, sing or draw. As a result, pressure also increases. That said, children's sleep should not be avoided. 9 to 11 hours of sleep is essential. It is also necessary to go to sleep at the right time every day. Or stress on the body.
14 to 17 years:
At this time, the pressure of studying increases. Most teenagers study at night. The body suffers. It should be remembered that no matter how much stress there is, at least 8 hours of sleep is required.
18 to 25:
Dropped out of school and enrolled in college. After that came work life. So many changes in life. So rest is more important. Try to sleep at least 7 hours.
26 to 64:
At this age a part of the neuron (ventrolateral preoptic nucleus) begins to lose. As a result sleep decreases. 7 to 9 hours of sleep a day is essential.
65 or above:
Sleep decreases with age. People over 65 years of age should sleep at least 7 hours a day. But many sleep less than 5 hours.