Understanding Your Nosebleed: Exploring Common Causes

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nosebleed causes © Thrive Inside & Out: Self Care, Nutrition, Fitness & More!

Many have nosebleeds, which suddenly strike fear into the mind. The problem worsens during winter. But there is nothing to fear. By following the doctor's advice, you can get relief from the problem of nosebleeds. Before that, know why this problem occurs.

01. Extra cold:

Excessive cold causes a cold in the nose. Carelessness in removing it can rupture the membrane that surrounds the blood vessels in the nose. And from there the bleeding can start. So try to keep yourself away from cold. And if you get a cold, carefully clean the cold.

02. Allergy:

Allergy problems can also cause nosebleeds. Try to avoid allergies. Try to avoid habits that aggravate your allergies.

03. Injury:

A sharp blow to the nose can cause the inner membrane to rupture and bleed. Especially if a football, cricket ball or anything else hits the nose with high speed, it can start bleeding. In this situation, a doctor should be consulted.

04. Abnormal growth:

Abnormal growths in the nose, especially tumors, can cause such problems. However, the occurrence of tumors in the nose is not very common. So, if something like this happens, you should consult a doctor.

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