Finding Relief: Exploring Lifestyle Changes to Manage Constipation

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manage constipation naturally © Thrive Inside & Out: Self Care, Nutrition, Fitness & More!

Not drinking enough water, eating less fiber-rich foods are increasing the problem of constipation in children. If there are less than 3 bowel movements a week or it is difficult to pass stool, then you should know that your child is suffering from constipation.

Unhealthy eating habits increase the problem of constipation. Constipation problems are increasing among children these days. Not drinking enough water, eating less fiber-rich foods are increasing the problem of constipation in children. If there are less than 3 bowel movements a week or it is difficult to pass stool, then you should know that your child is suffering from constipation. It is important for parents to be aware of this problem from a young age. It is better not to inculcate in children the habit of always taking medicine for constipation. Rather, emphasize how to prevent constipation with home remedies and no problem with bowel movements.

Increase the amount of fiber in the diet: If the child suffers from constipation, eat more fiber-rich foods. Incorporate whole grains, as well as fruits and vegetables, into your diet. Fiber softens the stool and makes it easier to pass stools.

Keep hydrated:

Hydration prevents the problem of constipation. Make sure your child drinks enough water. Hydration softens the stool and eases the bowel movement. Along with water, feed the baby canned water, fruit juice and liquid foods.

Probiotics can help:

 Probiotics help improve digestive health and maintain gut health. Yogurt should be fed to the baby as a probiotic food. If you don't want to eat sour yogurt, you can mix yogurt with fruit.

Develop daily bowel habits:

Daily bowel habits should be developed from an early age. Practice sitting on the toilet seat for at least 10 minutes a day. Inculcating this habit from a young age can prevent the problem of constipation and develop the habit of daily bowel movements.

Morning Routine:

Give the baby a glass of warm milk every morning. Also feed 4-5 soaked raisins. If necessary, you can feed the baby with ghee in warm milk even before going to sleep at night. According to Ayurveda, these home remedies help in curing the problem of constipation. If baby is having trouble passing stool due to gas, indigestion, massage hing on stomach at night. It will release gas and reduce physical discomfort.

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